
 Collierville Schools contracts transportation services through Durham School Services. Our goal is to provide safe and efficient transportation to and from school for all students that qualify for transportation.

The Parent Responsibility Zone for Collierville Schools is 1.5 miles for elementary through high school.  If you live within this zone, you are responsible for providing transportation for your student(s).

Below is a list of issues/examples for which you should contact Durham School Services main bus lot at 901-861-0256. You can also contact either Jerry Meggs or Hale Driver. 

Jerry Meggs, our Durham Services general manager, may be reached at 901-277-9782 or by email at [email protected]

Hale Driver, Durham Region Manager, may be reached at 901-217-9034 or by email at [email protected]

  • Bus is excessively early or late to a designated stop.

  • Bus completely misses or does not pick up at a stop.

  • Parent/student is having an issue with a driver.

  • Bus is picking up/dropping off at the wrong stop.

For routing concerns/issues, please contact transportation shared services at 901-286-6703 or our shared services Transportation Supervisor, Kim Reed, at [email protected].

Durham School Services is now hiring.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.

To report unsafe driving by bus drivers, please call 1-833-BUS-REPORT or go online to busreport.com.